Hon.EIUSF, Hon.FSWAN, Hon.FOZIPS, Hon.HKNPS, CMP.PPI, HA.PPI, Hon.FCPA, Hon.FGNG, Hon.AMAP, Hon.APF, Hon.GMGNG, Hon.FPMP, Hon.PIPC, E.AAFR, A.ICS, A.WIEP, PSA 5***** PID-C, PSA 4**** PTD, PSA 3*** PID-M, PSA 3*** PJD, PSA 3*** PPD-C, PSA 3*** PPD-M, PSA 3*** ND.

President of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society of Romania.
Razvan Baleanu was born in Campina, Romania in 1985. He graduated from the University of Art and Cinematography with Degree in Visual Arts in 2008 and a Master Degree in Media and Journalism in 2010. His love for photography began in childhood, when, at age 12, he took his first photograph. When he was 15, he began to really work on his photography, with its written and unwritten rules, participating at International Exhibitions of Photography with PSA and FIAP patronages.
Razvan started practicing the photographic art by developing and printing in black and white, in his own laboratory, and then subsequently, embracing the digital technique.
He has over 110 Awards, Medals, HM’s and over 1400 acceptances at PSA, GPU and FIAP recognized International Exhibitions of Photography. He has photography’s exposed in over 50 countries and more than 30 important cities in Romania.
He served as a judge in International Exhibitions of Photography (PSA, GPU and FIAP recognized).
In 2015 founded “Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society” to promote art in photography in entire world, where serves as President.
In 2016 founded CAMPINA International Exhibition of Photography with PSA, GPU and ICS Recognition’s, and from 2017 ONYX International Exhibition of Photography with PSA, GPU and ICS Recognition’s, where it serves as Exhibition Chairman.
He has works in several museums around the world and in International Federation of Photographic Art heritage.
Razvan Baleanu works as technical director at a National Television Station from Romania.
- President of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society of Romania, 2015 to present.
- Chairman of CAMPINA International Exhibition of Photography, Romania, 2016 to present.
- Chairman of ONYX International Exhibition of Photography, Romania, 2017 to present.
- General Chairman Cross-Culture Committee of Image Colleague Society (ICS), USA, 2017 to present.
- International Permanent Commissioner of Image Colleague Society (ICS), USA, 2017 to present.
- Board of Management of Image Colleague Society (ICS), USA, 2017 to present.
Member of:
- P.S.A. – Photographic Society of America, 2005 to present
- F.I.A.P. – International Federation of Photographic Art, 2008 to present
- G.P.U. – Global Photographic Union, 2015 to present
- I.C.S. – Image Colleague Society International, 2016 to present
33 Distinctions and Titles:
- E.PSA – Title “EXCELLENCE” awarded by Photographic Society of America.
- B.PSA – Title “BRONZE” Portfolio awarded by Photographic Society of America.
- A.FIAP – Title “ARTIST” awarded by International Federation of Photographic Art.
- Hon.FICS – Title “HONORARY FELLOW ICS” awarded by Image Colleague Society International, USA.
- ES.USPA – Title “EXCELLENCE SERVICE” awarded by United States Photographic Alliance, USA.
- Hon.EFMPA – Title “HONORARY EXCELLENCE” awarded by Federation Multicultural Photographic Art, USA.
- A.ICS – Title “ASSOCIATE” awarded by Image Colleague Society International, USA
- GPU CR2 – Title – “GPU CROWN 2” – awarded by Global Photographic Union.
- Hon.WPG – Title de “Honorary” – awarded by Word Photography Group, Saudi Arabia.
- HON.F.WPG – Title “Honorary Fellow” – awarded by Word Photography Group, Saudi Arabia.
- Hon.WPAI – Title – “HONORARY” – awarded by Wildlife Photography Association of India.
- Hon.PESGSPC – Title “HONOURARY PESGSPC” awarded by Pascal English School and Greek School Photographic Club from Cyprus.
- GPA.PESGSPC – Title “Grand Progress Award” awarded by Pascal English School and Greek School Photographic Club from Cyprus.
- Hon.FSAP – Title “Honorary Fellowship” awarded by Sigma Academy of Photography, India.
- Hon.EUSPA – Title “Honorary Excellence” awarded by United States Photographic Alliance, USA
- Hon.FPPS – Title “Honorary” awarded by Phoenix Photographic Society, Bangladesh.
- Hon.FTPAS – Title “Honorary Fellowship” awarded by Tricity Photo Art Society, India.
- Hon.FSWAN – Title “Honorary Fellow” awarded by SWAN INTERNATIONAL, USA.
- Hon.FOZIPS – Title “Honorary Fellowship” awarded by Ozone Zone International Photo Society, Dominica.
- Hon.HKNPS – Title “Honorary” awarded by Hong Kong Nature Photographic Society.
- HA.PPI - Title “Honorary Advisor” awarded by Professional Photographers International.
- CMP.PPI - Title “Certified Master Photographer” - Travel Category awarded by Professional Photographers International.
- Hon.FCPA – Title “Honorary” awarded by Association of Professional Photographers FotoClubPro Arad, Romania.
- Hon.FGNG – Title “Honorary Fellowship” awarded by Green Go Club, Kolkata, India.
- MEDAL OF HONOR Distinction - Hon.AMAP – awarded by Association of M’sila for Art Photography, Algeria.
- Hon.APF - Title “Honorary Fellowship” awarded by Artwork Photography Foundation from India.
- Hon.GMGNG - Title “Honorary Grand Master Fellowship” awarded by Green Go Club from India.
- Hon.FPMP - Title “Honorary Fellowship” awarded by PMP Club from India.
- Hon.PIPC - Title “Honorary” awarded by Pharaohs International Photographic Club from Egypt.
- E.AAFR - Title “EXCELLENCE” awarded by Association of Photographic Artist in Romania.
- HONORARY MEMBER – awarded by Foto Club “Mihai Dan Calinescu”, Craiova, Romania.
- A.WIEP – Title “ASSOCIATE” and Honorary Member awarded by Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography, USA.
24 PSA STARS offered by Photographic Society of America:
- PSA 5***** PID-C - Pictorial Image Division Color
- PSA 4**** PTD - Photo Travel Division
- PSA 3*** PID-M - Pictorial Image Division Monochrome
- PSA 3*** PJD - Photojournalism Division
- PSA 3*** PPD-C - Pictorial Print Division Color
- PSA 3*** PPD-M - Pictorial Print Division Monochrome
- PSA 3*** ND - Nature Division