ONYX International Exhibition of Photography is open for amateur and professional photographers from all over the world. The exhibition is conformed to the rules of Photographic Society of America (PSA), Global Photographic Union (GPU) and Image Colleague Society (ICS). This exhibition is PSA approved and acceptances received by PSA members are eligible for PSA Star Ratings, listing in the world-wide PSA Who’s Who of Photography and credited towards the PSA Distinctions of QPSA, PPSA, EPSA, MPSA, MPSA2 and GMPSA, GMPSA/B, GMPSA/S, GMPSA/G and GMPSA/P. Acceptances in this exhibition are also eligible for ICS, GPU and Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society (CPE) Distinctions.
President of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society of Romania
Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society:
Address: Razvan Baleanu, Str. Republicii, Nr. 32, Bl. 15 F, Sc. A, Ap. 9, Campina, 105600, Romania
Authors must fill out an Online Entry Form on the official website and submit entries online:
ONYX 2025 has 5 sections, all digital, FULLY PSA APPROVED:
A. OPEN COLOR (color only) PIDC
B. PEOPLE COLOR (color only) PIDC
C. OPEN MONOCHROME (monochrome only) PIDM
D. PHOTO TRAVEL GENERAL (color or greyscale monochrome) PTD
E. NATURE GENERAL (color or greyscale monochrome) ND
1 section 10 $ USD
2 sections 15 $ USD
3 sections 20 $ USD
4 sections 23 $ USD
5 sections 25 $ USD
PAYPAL (preferred method)
Entry fee can be paid with PayPal through our web site automatically after upload images:
Or manually at Exhibition PayPal ID Address: campinaexhibitions@yahoo.com
Alternatively, the fee may also be paid with Western Union on the following info:
Name: Razvan Constantin Baleanu, Country: Romania.
Alternatively, the fee can be sent by postal mail to following address:
Address: Razvan Baleanu, Str. Republicii, Nr. 32, Bl. 15 F, Sc. A, Ap. 9, Campina, 105600, Romania
Entry fee is mandatory for every participant. The works of the participants who did not pay the fee would not be taken into consideration.
If, for some reason, you cannot pay the fee, please e-mail Exhibition Chairman and we will find a solution:
Closing date: 1 March 2025
Judging: 11 – 22 March 2025
Notification (E-mail): 28 March 2025
Awards sent: 18 May 2025
Online Gallery: 28 March 2025 (permanent gallery)
Online Catalog: 10 May 2025
Status Page and Website available to: 22 March 2026
Public Exhibition: 14 May 2025
Acceptances Certificates sent: 18 May 2025
Results, accepted images and awards, permanently on website as gallery:
Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition
14 May 2025
Campina House of Culture, Romania
Digital Slide Show program will be displayed using a Full HD Projector, Sony VPL-HW45 - 1920x1080.
High Quality Print Exhibition and Public Video Projections will be hold in many locations to promote accepted and awarded works!
The printed exhibition will contain a selection of awarded and accepted photographs.
The exhibition will be open to the public in the period 14 May 2025 - 14 June 2025.
For all 5 sections: Color Open, Color People, Monochrome Open, Photo Travel General and Nature General.
- Dr. Tibor Jakab, EFIAP/gold, FPSA, MPSA, ASIIPC, Hon.FPSG, Hon.FICS, GM.ICS, Hon.PESGSPS.
PSA Liaison Officer
- Dr. Teodor Radu Pantea, EFIAP/silver, EH.ISF, PSA***(CPID), PSA**(PPD), PSA**(PJ), Hon.ICS, F.ICS, AICS, Hon.F.PAD, Hon.F.ICS, E.USPA, F.SWAN, Hon.F.SWAN, E.FMPA, Hon.IPS, HonFKSS, HonTAMA, Hon.API, UAPR, Hon.FPSBP, BPICS, GMICS, Hon.FPSG, Hon.SAP, Hon.FUPHK, M.E.UPHK, Hon.CR.UPHK, Hon.EPI, Hon.FIVAF, Hon.WPG, Hon.FWPG, M.SAP, Hon.PESGSPC, GPA.PESGSPC, Hon.E.IUSF, HonCPE, Hon.FSPAS, FAPU, Hon.EICS/PSBP, Hon.MWPG, Hon.MICS, F.HKNPS, Hon.F.HKNPS, CMP.PPI (Fine Art and Documentary/Pictorial), Honorary Advisor PPI (2020-2021), Hon.GMGNG, Hon.FPMP, Hon.GMPIPC, Hon.APF, Hon.PIP.ICS, Hon.G.MWPG, GWP.ICS, Hon.MICS, Hon.FAPA, GM.SAP, GEP.SAP, Hon.E.WPG, Hon.PE.SAP, Ex- M.AAFR, Ex- Hon.AAFR
Vice President ICS Int. Board Director
- Mircea Anghel, AFIAP, HON.FICS
PSA Rules for the Judging Process
For each section:
PSA Gold Medal
2 Campina Exhibitions Gold Medal
2 Campina Exhibitions Silver Medal
2 Campina Exhibitions Bronze Medal
3 PSA Honorable Mentions
4 ICS Certificate of Honorable Mentions
5 Campina Exhibitions Honorable Mentions
18 ONYX Honorable Mentions
Results: all accepted images and awards, will be posted on our website in a permanent gallery: www.campinaexhibitions.net/onyx/Results
Additional for Color Open Section will be awarded:
GPU Gold Medal
ICS Gold Medal
2 GPU Honorable Mentions
BEST AUTHOR - Special Award Plaque
BEST CLUB - Special Award Plaque
BEST GROUP - Special Award Plaque
Plus more Club and Individual Special Awards Plaques!
We will increase the number of individual awards and club awards if we have many participants!
The jury reserves the right to grant additional awards depend on the total number of the entrants.
Each author can receive only one award in each section. The decision of the Jury is final and irrevocable.
All participants will receive a report card via e-mail with all his/her personal scores. The results of the exhibition will also be published on the website of the competition.
We offer certificates of acceptance to all accepted authors (electronic format). Electronic Certificates will be emailed.
Online PDF Exhibition Catalog will be sent to all authors.
Also the online catalog will be available for download on our web site:
ONLINE ENTRY FORM (preferred method)
Authors must fill out an Online Entry Form on the official website and submit entries online:
Burned on CD/DVD, along with the entry form and entry fee, sent to the postal mail. Images should have the same size as the online registration.
Address: Razvan Baleanu, Str. Republicii, Nr. 32, Bl. 15 F, Sc. A, Ap. 9, Campina, 105600, Romania
Download Entry Form: www.campinaexhibitions.net/onyx/EntryForm
If, for some reason, you cannot send your pictures, please e-mail Exhibition Chairman and we will find a solution: razvanbaleanu@gmail.com
Judging method: Judges will use color-calibrated monitors on remote on-line judging. Judges will discuss the allocation of awards via video link.
The monitors will be capable of displaying images at exactly 100% of their resolution.
Acceptances target range: The target range for acceptances is 25% - 30%.
Awards target range: - For sections with more than 230 images, no more than 10% of the acceptances can receive medals/awards.
IMAGE AND ENTRY REQUIREMENTS: This exhibition is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the exhibition chair believes the entry does not conform to exhibition rules and these ES-COE.
Membership in any photographic organization is not required.
Neither awards nor acceptances will be granted to any entrant who is on the PSA Penalties List for Ethics Violation. Entry fees are not refundable in these circumstances.
PSA Star Ratings: To receive proper star ratings credit from PSA, entrants must provide their names and
country exactly the same way in each exhibition. Aliases are not permitted. Please contact PSA in the event of
a name change or relocation to another country. Using one’s name differently in different exhibitions exposes
the entrant to the risk that many of their acceptances may not be recognized in PSA Star records.
Reproduction: The entrant permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of
charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. This may include low resolution
posting on a website. PSA may request specific permission from entrants to reproduce entered images in its
educational materials. The terms of that permission will be mutually agreed upon between the entrant and
PSA except in the circumstances where the entered image is found to breach the PSA Ethics Policy. In those
circumstances, the image may be reproduced by PSA without the entrant’s further permission, for educational
purposes, or to illustrate serious exhibition rule violations. For those reproductions, the entrant’s name will be
Entries will not be accepted from entrants who indicate that their images may not be reproduced in materials related to the exhibition. The exhibition assumes no liability of any misuse of copyright.
Re-use of accepted images: Any image that has been accepted in this exhibition, past or present, may not be
entered again in the same division star ratings class in any future instances of this exhibition. It may, of
course, be entered in any other PSA recognized exhibitions but must always have the same title. Re-titling in
another language is not allowed.
Entry: An entry consists of up to and including four (4) images entered by a single entrant into the same
section. The same image can receive no more than a total of twenty (20) acceptances (per star path). Identical
or similar Images shall not be allowed in the same section or different sections of the same exhibition as
determined by the judges or exhibition chair. Similar images are those which are practically equivalent, as
defined on this page: https://psa-services.org/pdf/Practical-Equivalence.pdf. When a group of similar
images is uploaded by the entrant, all similar images in all sections will be disqualified. Be
advised: while similar images may be entered in different exhibitions, these images and acceptances may be
disallowed by the separate review process associated with applications for stars, diamonds and galaxies. To
avoid disappointment, do not enter images that are practically equivalent.
Titles: Each image must have a unique title that relates to the content of the image. That unique title must be
used for entry of that image into any and all PSA-recognized exhibitions. Titles must be 35 characters or fewer.
No titles may be visible to the judges, and nothing in the image may identify the entrant. Titles may not
include file extensions such as .jpg or .jpeg (or any other camera capture file names such as IMG_xxxx). Titles
may not consist of personal identifiers possibly augmented by a number; and may not include words such as
“untitled” or “no title.” Titles may not consist solely of numbers unless those numbers are prominently
contained within the image, such as a contestant number in a race. When entering titles, exhibitors may use Latin1 or Latin2 character sets (ISO-8859-1 or ISO-8859-2) which allow diacritical marks (é, ñ, ü, ą, ę, ś, etc). While text written in non- Latin writing systems (Hanzi, Cyrillic, Arabic, Devanagari, etc) might be accepted by exhibition software, this practice is discouraged because it may yield unpredictable results in galleries, catalogs and may be rejected in Star applications.
Color and Monochrome: Color and monochrome images from the same capture that share substantial
pictorial content in common will be considered the same image and must be given the same title.
By entering this exhibition you are explicitly consenting to the personal details you have supplied, including physical addresses and email addresses being held, processed and used by the exhibition chair for purposes associated with this exhibition. You also explicitly consent to such information being sent to organizations that have accorded official recognition, patronage or accreditation to this exhibition. You acknowledge, agree and accept that by entering this exhibition your participation status which includes your first and last name, name of the country used during registration at the exhibition, number of sections entered, and number of photos entered in those sections will be made public in a published status list, and that the results of your entry will be made public in the exhibition gallery and exhibition catalog. You also agree and accept the policy regarding noncompliance to the rules of PSA.
Image creation and ownership
In all sections of the exhibition, images must originate as photographs made by the entrant.
They may not incorporate identifiable images produced by anyone else (for example: clip art, replacement skies, or stock images). Images created in whole or in part by image creation software (frequently called ‘AI’ images) are not allowed. Editing or alteration of images is permitted within the limits specified in the relevant section definitions that are available here https://psa-photo.org/page/division-definitions Any person submitting or attempting to submit a totally AI generated image that does not begin with a light capture from the maker to any Photographic Society of America exhibition, social media, event, or publication, other than for editorial purposes, shall be prohibited from PSA for a period of from 3 years to Life.
Statement on Subject Matter - applicable to all sections
The fundamental rule that must be observed at all times and applies to all sections offered in exhibitions with
PSA recognition is that the welfare of living creatures is more important than any photograph. This means that
practices such as baiting of subjects with a living creature and removal of birds from nests, for the purpose of
obtaining a photograph, are highly unethical, and such photographs are not allowed in any exhibition with PSA
recognition. Under no circumstances may a living creature be placed in a situation where it will be killed or
injured for the purpose of obtaining a photograph. Images that show live creatures being fed to captive
animals, birds or reptiles are not permitted under any circumstances.
There are also concerns about the use of aerial photography, using drones, helicopters, or low flying aircraft.
These should not cause any interference with other individuals or animals which causes a disturbance in their
normal activity or disrupts the way any individual or animal interacts with their environment. Entrants in PSA
recognized exhibitions should comply with all relevant laws and regulations associated with aerial
photography in the country in which the image was taken.
Entry into PSA recognized exhibitions is conditional on accepting the above policies. The images must comply
with the division and section definitions listed on the PSA website and other conditions. Images that do not
comply will be disqualified by the judges.
The Image category for PID color must be a color image. A greyscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi toning or by the inclusion of spot color on a monochrome image is considered a Color Image.
An image is considered to be monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e, contains only shades of gray which can include pure black and pure white) or it gives the impression of being a grayscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image (for example by sepia, red, gold, etc.) A grayscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi-toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome and shall be classified as a color work. Monochrome images may not be entered in color sections of PPD or PID.
PID includes open or general subject photography. There are no limitations on subject matter or techniques used for image capture or post processing other than the restrictions described in the PSA Statements on Artificial Intelligence, Image Creation and Authorship, and Subject Matter, which apply to all divisions. These restrictions include prohibited image elements not authored by the entrant (for example textures, replacement skies from third party software, clipart or stock images). Open sections have unrestricted subject content and may include creative images. PID theme sections must have specific definitions. These definitions assist both the judges and entrants.
Content Guidelines
Nature photography records all branches of natural history except anthropology and archaeology. This includes all aspects of the physical world, both over water and underwater.
Nature images must convey the truth of the scene. A well-informed person should be able to identify the subject of the image and be satisfied that it has been presented honestly and that no unethical practices have been used to control the subject or capture the image. Images that directly or indirectly show any human activity threatening a living organism's life or welfare are not allowed.
The most important part of a Nature image is the nature story it tells. High technical standards are expected and the image must look natural.
A Photo Travel image is a portrayal of the real world we live in, as it is found naturally. There are no
geographic limitations.
Content Guidelines:
Images of people, either full or portrait. Man, woman, child or groups of people. Either in natural settings or studio shots. Any people in natural activities or organized activities. Digitally manipulated photos are accepted. Nudes are also accepted.
See the PSA Ethics Policy at https://psa-photo.org/page/ethical-practices.
See the PSA statement on Subject Matter, Statement on Artificial Intelligence, and Image Creation and
Authorship at https://psa-photo.org/page/division-definitions
If an entrant submits an image that appears to be non-compliant, the chair or judges may request the
unedited or raw file of the submitted image to verify compliance, including authorship. For composite images
all files are required. Such entries may be referred to PSA for further investigation of possible ethics
violations. Entrants who do not respond to this request or who do not cooperate with the investigation team
may be penalized.
PSA retains the right to investigate all complaints, impose penalties if deemed necessary, void the acceptances
of any image found to violate the PSA rules, and add the entrant’s name to the PSA Penalty List which is
shared with PSA and FIAP chairs. Entrants automatically agree to these terms by entering the Exhibition.
Agents and other indirect submissions: