NEW! TOP 25 BEST AUTHORS! Participate and enter in Best Top!
This current ranking is done during the exhibition season 2020 - 2021 through our 2 annual exhibitions:
- 5th CAMPINA 2020 International Exhibition of Photography, Romania. PSA: 2020-339, GPU: L200107 and ICS: 2020-127 Recognition’s!
Total 151 High Quality Medals and Awards!
Closing Date: 1 November 2020
- 5th ONYX 2021 International Exhibition of Photography, Romania. PSA: 2021-1016, GPU: L210007 and ICS: 2021-133 Recognition’s!
Total 156 High Quality Medals and Awards!
Closing Date: 1 March 2021
For all information’s please visit:
We welcome your participation in our exhibitions!
DATE: 19 July 2020
103 authors have obtained our CPE Merit Distinctions up to this date. I want to congratulate the authors and thank them very much for their continue support and valuable participation's in our exhibitions!
For all information’s about CPE Distinctions Application please visit:
We invite you to participate at our next exhibition 5th CAMPINA 2020:
DATE: 14 June 2020
Campina Photographic Exhibitions Distinctions - CERTIFICATES and BADGES are ready to be sent to the authors who have applied in the last 2 months (March and April 2020).
Congratulations to all those who have obtained the distinctions and many thanks for your great support and trust for our exhibitions!
Due to the COVID 19 crisis, some destinations are closed and envelopes cannot be sent from Romania.
When the envelopes can be shipped each author will be informed and will receive an email with personal Track Number. Please check SPAM too.
For all information’s about CPE Distinctions Application please visit:
We invite you to participate at our next exhibition 5th CAMPINA 2020:
DATE: 24 May 2020
Awards from 4th ONYX 2020 are packed and ready for shipment!
A record number of 171 High Quality Medals and Awards!
Due to the COVID 19 crisis, some destinations are closed and envelopes cannot be sent from Romania.
In this case we will wait a little longer until the international shipments will be open to several destinations and we will be able to send the envelopes.
When the envelopes can be shipped each author will be informed and will receive an email with personal Track Number. Please check SPAM too.
The packages were made in full health safety! We used surgical masks and protective gloves in handling awards!
We know how important it is for each author to receive his prize and as soon as possible we will send the envelopes.
Many thanks to all participants for the trust and support! We thank you to each author, for confidence and participation in our exhibition.
DATE: 21 May 2020
Total 171 High Quality Medals and Awards!
We present the awards gallery here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
Many thanks to all participants for the trust and support! We thank you to each author, for confidence and participation in our exhibition.
We invite you to participate in our next exhibition:
5th CAMPINA 2020, Romania. PSA, GPU and ICS Approved! Total 151 High Quality Medals and Awards!
DATE: 9 May 2020
Presenting Best Author Award Plaque - Pandula Bandara from Sri Lanka.
4th ONYX 2020, Romania!
We present the award here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
DATE: 9 May 2020
Presenting Best Club Award Plaque - Shangtuf Image & Art Club, China.
4th ONYX 2020, Romania!
We present the award here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
DATE: 9 May 2020
Presenting Club Special Award Plaque - Youth Photographic Society, India.
4th ONYX 2020, Romania!
We present the award here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
DATE: 9 May 2020
Presenting Club Special Award Plaque - Dayang Image Club, China.
4th ONYX 2020, Romania!
We present the award here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
DATE: 9 May 2020
Presenting Club Special Award Plaque - Lens & Life of DUMDUM, India.
4th ONYX 2020, Romania!
We present the award here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
DATE: 9 May 2020
Presenting Club Special Award Plaque - Ashiya Photography Association, Japan.
4th ONYX 2020, Romania!
We present the award here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
DATE: 9 May 2020
Presenting Club Special Award Diploma - International Photography Association, China
4th ONYX 2020, Romania!
We present the award here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
DATE: 9 May 2020
Presenting Club Special Award Diploma - New View Photography Club, Saudi Arabia
4th ONYX 2020, Romania!
We present the award here, because as we have already announced, unfortunately, we had to cancel 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition, due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines. Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
DATE: 9 May 2020
Due to the COVID 19 crisis and the state of emergency in Romania but also according to the PSA guidelines, unfortunately we have to cancel the 4th ONYX 2020 Awards Ceremony, Public Projection and Print Exhibition! Stay home, stay safe!
Please visit Public Gallery with all accepted and awarded works:
At 4th ONYX 2020 we received 8285 extremely valuable works from 597 authors, from 67 countries!
Many thanks to all participants for the trust and support! We thank you to each author, for confidence and participation in our exhibition.
Congratulations to all awarded and accepted authors!
Very numerous and very valuable participation's helped us to achieve the most valuable exhibition! We feel very proud that you have chosen us again and thank you all! We are very glad to have received an extraordinary collection of works!
We have increased the number of awards at this edition to 171 total medals and awards, due to numerous and valuable participation's, to reward as many valuable authors as possible.
Our society and exhibitions are made from our great passion for photographic art for other passionate like us!
DATE: 2 May 2020
All ACCEPTANCES CERTIFICATES have been sent to the authors!
Certificates were sent 2 weeks earlier than the exhibition calendar!
4th ONYX 2020, Romania -
If you have problems with your email address and you have not received your certificate please contact me. Also please check in SPAM!
At 4th ONYX 2020 we received 8285 extremely valuable works from 597 authors, from 67 countries!
Many thanks to all participants for the trust and support! We thank you to each author, for confidence and participation in our exhibition.
Congratulations to all awarded and accepted authors!
DATE: 30 April 2020