Pandula Bandara, GWP.ICS, MPSA 2, LRPS, GPUCR5, GPU"ZEUS", GPUVIP5, MIUP, ANPAS, EUPHK, EFIP, AICS, EUSPA, Hon.FSAP, FSWAN, EFMPA, AUPHK, Hon.EICS, Hon.PESGSPC, AISF, GPA.PESGSPC, EH-ISF, E-ISF-8, Hon.WPG, Hon.SPAS, FIC-G, HON.FICS, SSS/Y, MSAP, HON.CPE, AHPS Country: Sri Lanka Pandula Bandara from Delgoda in the Western Province of Sri Lanka, Managing Director of Theme Brand Solutions [Pvt.] Ltd. a company in the field of advertising. In 2017, at the age of 45, I applied myself to develop my passion for photography as a release from the stresses of running a successful business. I followed a course run by The Photographic Society of Sri Lanka (PSSL) which gave me a sound base from which to develop my knowledge of photography. I am fascinated by all fields of photography and is a firm believer in the old saying that practice makes perfect! To this end, I participated in as many photography field trips, workshops and studio shoots as i could in order to perfect my skills. Using my chosen preference for Sony cameras and equipment, i had travelled in Sri Lanka and India in order to capture the images which i have entered in many international photographic exhibitions and competitions as a means of getting feedback on my work. My record of achievements and results in these, where he was judged by highly experienced photographers, are a testament to his abilities as a photographer |
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