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Country: United States of America

Tony Le Kim Thuan was born in August 19th 1945 in Viet Nam, immigrated to United States on December 15th 1980. He attainted at School of Electrical Engineering Technologies of Texas Tech University, Lubbock Texas w/minor in physic photography since 1981.

He moved to Irvine, California in 1985 after finished schooling for his first job as a production management position for a computer manufacturing company. In addition, he owned a sub-contract computer factory DNT Technologies Inc., Best Color Studio and Finishing Lab. Furthermore, His partnership has risen with small photographic businesses which gave him the opportunity to meet many devoted amateur and professional photographers. It refreshed his photography passion in fine arts has become his lifelong hobby.

Tony Le Kim Thuan truly was born to serve photography!

ICS international operation committee is hereby granted bio-photography of Tony Le Kim Thuan, founder ICS is a prolific figure in the American photographic art circle worthy as named “Constellation Star”.

Photographic Society of America Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique
Summary: Program speaker pictorial photography, regional, and international exchanged print, digital exhibition writer, teach photography, workshop, and field trip, judge regional and international salons in domestic and overseas, author of the new method online circuit exhibition, also the ICS cross-culture photography education project; photography adviser, organized club branches at domestic and overseas operation by ICS international committee under his supervision.
Nature of Patron Service Performed: Photo club/organizer, general adviser/chairman, founding the united states photographic alliance, federation multicultural photographic art, image colleague society, international, etc, photo courses from novice to advance, international judge services, exchange international exhibition for clubs affiliated friendship and overseas solo photo shows by invitation. Furnished extensive funding support international salons annually to regional/international photo groups under his named ICS patronage/sponsorship for developing better understanding the art of photography continued to date. Service Resulted: In the promotion of pictorial photography, senior adviser/chairman international judge for domestic and overseas photographic clubs and cross-culture photography education has personally accomplished expanding the new horizons of ICS society-bound, varied photography activities resulted in a broad-base of younger generation photography enthusiasts!
Outstanding attainments cover: Life ICS international general exhibition chairman/adviser has built a good reputation of it and close collaborations with photographic societies/clubs worldwide and contributed tremendously to the expansion of photographic art internationally. Thus, he was awarded strings of top honors for proficiency and service accorded to photography in five continental with the new method circuit salon project in which he is the author of online inter-countries project and cross-culture photography education research and development project for international exhibitions with most respects.

Globle Photographic Organisation
Photographic Society of America – PSA Associate PSA (2001); PSA Stuyvesant Peabody Memorial Award (2009); PSA Joseph F. Fallon Memorial Award (2008); Membership Gold Star Plaque (2007); PSA Commendation Pictorial Print Division Service Award (2000); PSA Best Speaker Award (2000); PSA Membership Star Awards of 1st Star, 2nd Star, and 3rd Star (1992); PSA Membership Star Award of 4th Star (1993); PSA Service Award (1992); PSA Creative Award (1992); PSA Honor Award Ribbon (1991); PSA Membership Gold Star (2008); PSA Membership Ruby Star (due); PSA Membership Milestone Certificate (2016) Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique – FIAP.
FIAP Honor Plaque for Promotion Internationally the Art of Photography (2012); Honorary Excellence de la FIAP HonEFIAP (2010); Excellence Service Render de la FIAP - ESFIAP (2000); Excellence de la FIAP - EFIAP (2006); Artist de la FIAP - AFIAP (2001); Auspice FIAP Medal (2004)

NORTH AMERICA Photographic Society of America – PSA Associate PSA - APSA (2001); PSA MultiStars - PSA*M (1992)
Photographic Society of New York - PSNY: PSNY Jubilee 50th Anniversary Gold Medal Award (1999); PSNY Outstanding Service Award (1998); PSNY Best Speaker Gold Medal Award (1999); Honorary Promoter Photography PSNY of the Century Plaque - HonPPSNY (1999); Honorary Fellow PSNY - HonFPSNY (1999); Fellow PSNY - FPSNY (1994); Associate PSNY - APSNY (1993); Honorary Life Overseas Representative PSNY (1994)
Photographic Alliance USA – PAUSA: Associate PAUS - APAUS (1992); Fellow PAUS - FPAUS (1995); PAUSA Excellence Service Award (1997); PAUSA Pacific Honor Plaque (1998)
Colorama Metropolitan New York – CNY: Associate CNY - ACNY (1993); Fellow CNY - FCNY (1996); CNY Gold Trophy Service Award (1998); CNY Society Recognition Gold Medal (1998)
Image Colleague Society, International - ICS: Honorary ICS - HonICS (1989); Honorary Fellowship - HonFICS (1993); Honorary Excellence Service ICS - HonEICS (1994); Honorary Excellence Exhibitor ICS - HonEEICS (1995); Honorary International Promoter ICS - HonPIP.ICS (1998); Honorary Excellence I.U.S.F - HonEIUSF (2017); Associate ICS - AICS (1992); Fellow ICS - FICS (1995);
Best Photographer ICS - BPICS (2002); Master ICS - MICS (2011); Master ICS/bronze - MICSb (2012); Master ICS/silver - MICSs (2013); Master ICS/gold - MICSg (2014); Grand Master ICS - GMICS (2016); Image Society International/Safiiri - ICS.SAFIIRI (2016); Grand World Photographer ICS - GWPICS (2017)
Federation Multicultural Photographic Art - FMPA: Excellence FMPA - EFMPA (1998); Honorary Excellence FMPA - HonEFMPA (2000); Master FMPA - MFMPA (2001)
United States Photographic Alliance - USPA: Excellence Service USPA - ESUSPA (2001); Honorary Excellence USPA - HonEUSPA (2000); Excellence USA - EUSPA (2002); Master USPA - MUSPA (2014)

Confederacao Brasileira de Fotografia e Cinema de Brasile - AFB: Honorary AFB - HonAFB (2003); Lifetime Achievement Crystal Plaque (2003); AFB Excellence Service Gold Medal (2003)

Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain - RPS: Licentiate-ship RPS - LRPS (1992)
Tama and PESGSPC of Cyprus - PESGSPC: HonPESGSPC (2009); Super Photographer Plaque (2010); Honor Plaque TAMA (2010); Obtained 50 Works Permanent Collection for 60 Years FIAP Anniversary (2010), Grand Progress Gold Trophy (2010), Honorary TAMA - HonTAMA (2010), Lifetime Achievement Plaque PESGSPC (2011), High Achievement Global Photographic Award Trophy (2013), Lifetime Constellation Golden Trophy (2013), Grand Spirit Golden Trophy (2015)

Nationale Associatia Artistilor Fotograpfi de Romania - AAFR: Honorary AAFR - HonAAFR (2002); Excellence Service Gold Medal (2002); Honorary AAF Plaque for Friendship and Execellence Service in Photography (2016)
Argus Fotographfi Societe Din Oradea - ARGUS: Honorary Fellow ARGUS - HonFARGUS (2002); Honorary Member ARGUS - HonMARGUS (2001); Fellow ARGUS - FARGUS (2002); Master ARGUS - MARGUS Golden Cup Trophy (2012); Golden Plaque of Special Recognition (2012); Lifetime Achievement Award - Special Honor Gold Plaque (2013); Special Honor "North Star" Golden Medal Grand Master GM.ARGUS (2014); Argus Golden Trophy (2015); Argus Lifetime Constellation Award (2016)
Club Foto Art Nufarul Organization de Romania - CFNO: Honorary of CFNO - HonCFNO (2007); Honorary Fellow NUFARUL - HonFNUFARUL (2007); NUFARUL Excellence Service Honor Gold Medal (2007)
Nationale Romania Universitatea Din Oradea, Facultatea De Arte Vizuale - NRU Visual Arts Facility: Profesor Asociat (2007) Arts Union - Club.Studio “Prostir Photo” Ukraine, Soviet Union - PROSTIR: Honorary Fellowship of Art Union Prostir - HonFPROTIR (2008).
Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society - CPE: Honorary of CPE - HonCPE (2018)

Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique - FIAP: Honorary Excellence FIAP - HonEFIAP (2008); Excellence Service FIAP - ESFIAP (2000); Excellence.FIAP - EFIAP (2006); Artist FIAP - AFIAP (2001); FIAP LO US (2000); Liaison Officer ILFIAP USPA (2004); ICS ILFIAP (2012)
Image Sans Frontier - ISF: ISF Achievement Award - ISF Pewter Medal (2014)

United Kingdom Saudi Arabian for Culture & Arts Photographers House -SPH:
Master SPH - MSPH (2006); Honor Gold Medal for Master Photography (2006); Honorary Fellow SPH - HonFSPH (2001); Honorary SPH - HonSPH (2000); Fellow SPH - FSPH (2000); Honor Gold Medal for Outstanding Service and International Understanding through Photography (2001); Honor Silver Medal for Love and Friendship Global Photo Inspiration Through The Universal Language of Photography (2016)
World of Photography Group - WPG Saudi Arabia Middle East: Master WPG - MWPG (2016)

Photographic Society of Pakistan - PSP: Honorary PSP - HonPSP (2001); Honorary Member PSP - HonMPSP (2002)
Photographic Arts Society of Pakistan-Pakistan Salon Group (Regd) - PSG: Honorary Fellowship of PSG - HonFPSG (2011)

Japan International Photographic Federation of Japan - JIPF: Honorary JIPF - HonJIPF (2006)
United Photographers Hong Kong (special region) of China – UPHK:
Honorary Fellow UPHK - HonFUPHK (2016); Master Exhibitor UPHK - MEUPHK (2016); Honorary Advisor UPSK - HonAdvUPHK (2017)

Vietnam Association of Photographic Artists - VAPA: VN02 Honor Golden Trophy (2002); VN05 Certificate of Work and Author (2009)
PhotoArt Society Batu Pahat of Malaysia - PSBP: Honorary Fellow PSBP - HonFPSBP (2005); PSBP Anniversary Special Gold Medal (2006); PSBP Service Gold Medal (2005); Honor Title World Top Photographer (2011); Super World Photographer Golden Trophy (2012), World-Top-Photographer Golden Plaque (2012); PSBP Special Award of Distinguished World-Top-Photographer (2016); Honorary Excellence ICS/PSBP - HonEICS/PSBP (2017)

India International Photographic Council of India - IIPC: Associate Service IIPC - ASIIPC (2000); Fellow Service IIPC (2012)
Bangladesh Photographic Society – PSB: Honorary Fellow PBS - FPBS (2010); Honor Gold Medal PBS for Excellency (2010), Honorary Fellowship Gold Medal (2010)
Bangladesh Society of Photographic Art - BSPA: Honorary Fellow BSPA - HonFBSPA (2010), Honorary Fellow Gold Medal (2014)
National Association of Photographers of Srilanka - NAPSL: Honorary Fellow NAPSL - HonFNAPSL (2008); Fellow NAPSL - FNAPSL (2008)
Horizon International Photographic Society- HIPS: Honorary HIPS - HonHIPS (2007), Honorary Fellow HIPS - HonFHIPS (2008), Fellow HIPS - FHIPS (2007), Lifetime Achievement Plaque (2012)
National Academy Photography-Persona International of India: NAP-PERS:
Honorary Excellence PI - HonEPI (2009); Honorary Life Advisor Committee Member-NAP - HonAdNAP (2007); Honorary Fellow PI - HonFPI (2008), Golden Cup Service Trophy (2012), NAP Special Golden Medal (2012), Lifetime Achievement Award (2014), Honorary Life Member NAP-Personna International (2015).
Sigma Art Photography India – SAP: Honorary Fellow SAP - HonFSAP (2015)

Association National De La Photographie D' Art Au Benin - "ANAPHAB": Honorary ANAPHAB - HonANAPHAB (2017)
Photography exhibition international salons and solo exhibitions associated worldwide by invitation.
* Many other domestic and abroad societies photographic service and proficiency distinctions, trophies and medals award as well as honorary life representative of abroad photographic organizations not record.