Roy Smith
Country: Scotland
I live on the West Coast of Scotland and joined my first camera club in the late 1970's. When we moved to Ayr in the 1980's I joined Ayr Photographic Society and have been a member since then, having been President twice. My photographic interests are extremely varied, so much so that the term 'Jack of all Trades and Master of None' comes to mind. However I do like Landscapes and Abstracts and enjoy working in Themes, both subjective and general. I have a number of themes which are ongoing and get a lot of pleasure from this. I also enjoy entering International Salons. I was awarded AFIP in 2009 but so far have not got round to applying for any of the EFIAP Distinctions. I hold a Distinction Award from the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain , became an Honorary Member of the Scottish Photographic Federation in 2009 and of course Hon CPE in 2021, which is very much appreciated.