Responsive image


Hon Foo Lai ACPE, ES.CPE, Hon.CPE

Country: Malaysia

My name is Lai Hon Foo born in Sarawak, Malaysia on year 1978.
I'm starting take photos in year 1998, seriously learning end of year 2010. Actively participates all the local photography contests in year 2011.
Then, move my first step with participating 2 International Salon organized by local photography society's in year 2012. And, successful gained 6 Acceptances. Following by participating in International Salon/Exhibition organized by foreign photography society's/Club on the year 2013.
Successful gained my first photographic distinction namely Associate of Sarawak
Photo-Art Society (ASPAS) in year 2014. I believe that the Photographic Distinction could provide a special platform for me to realizes my creativity, express imagination, inspires hidden potential, challenge myself, elevates myself, surmount myself, strive for photographic art excellence to more highest level.

My Photographic Services and Contributions

Sarawak Photo-Art Society (SPAS), Sarawak, Malaysia
Committee Member
2012 – 2013 = Ordinary Committee
2014 – 2015 = Treasurer
2016 – 2017 = Vice President
2018 – 2019 = Deputy President

Borneo International Salon of Photography
2nd Borneo Salon 2013 = Salon Committee
3rd Borneo Salon 2017 = Salon Chairman
4th Borneo Salon 2019 = Salon Chairman

My Photographic Achievements
Club Achievements (Sarawak Photo-Art Society)
2011 - Most Promising Photographer Award
2013 - Runner Up of Club Championship Award
2014 - Runner Up of Club Championship Award
2016 - Champion of Club Championship Award

Achievements in International Salon of Photography
600+ Acceptances including 32 Awards in 31 Countries.

National Distinctions
Associate of Photo-Art Society Batu Pahat (APSBP), Johor

Associate of Photographic Society of Malaysia (APSM), Malaysia
Associate of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (ASPAS), Sarawak
Associate of Society of Photographer Malaysia (ASPM), Malaysia
Diamond Exhibitor of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (DE.SPAS), Sarawak
Honorary of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (Hon.SPAS), Sarawak
Proficiency Photographer of Sarawak Photo-Art Society (PP.SPAS), Sarawak
Salon Exhibitor of Photo-Art Society Batu Pahat (SE.PSBP), Johor

International Distinctions
Artist of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society (ACPE), Romania

Associate of Federation of Asian Photographic Art (AFAPA), Taiwan
Associate of Image Colleague Society, International (AICS), USA
Appreciation Indian Visual Arts Foundation (AIVAF), India

Associate of Nature Photographic Society (ANPS), Hong Kong
Associate of SWAN International Photo Club, (ASWAN), USA
Artist of United States Photographic Alliance (AUSPA), USA

Certified Excellent Photographer of Professional Photographers International (CEP.PPI), Hong Kong
Excellence of Federation Multi-Cultural Photographic Art (EFMPA), USA
Excellence of United States Photographic Alliance (EUSPA), USA

Excellence Services of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society (ES.CPE), Romania
Fellow of Asia Photographers Union (FAPU), Singapore
Fellow of Image Colleague Society, International (FICS), USA
Fellow of Indian Visual Arts Foundation (FIVAF), India
Fellow of Sigma Academy of Photography (FSAP), India
Fellow of SWAN International Photo Club (FSWAN), USA

Honorary of Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society (Hon.CPE), Romania
Honorary of PASCAL English School And Greek School Photographic Club (Hon.PESGSPC), Cyprus
Honorary Fellow of Image Colleague Society, International (Hon.FICS), USA
Honorary Fellow of Photographic Society New Jersey (Hon.FPSNJ), USA
Honorary Fellow of SWAN International Photo Club (Hon.FSWAN), USA

Honorary Fellow of World of Photography Group (Hon.FWPG), Saudi Arabia
Master of Image Colleague Society, International (MICS), USA
Master of Sigma Academy of Photography (MSAP), India

Master of SWAN International Photo Club (MSWAN), USA
Master of United States Photographic Alliance (MUSPA), USA
Proficiency Photographic Society of America (PPSA), USA
PSA 5 Star ND, USA