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Helio Cucato Junior

Country: Brazil

Photography is much more than just a hobby for me; it has become a deep passion and a way to capture the world around me in a unique way.
My journey into photography began modestly, with an entry-level camera, which I bought for a vacation trip with my wife and daughter. At that time, I had no idea how photography would transform the way I saw the world. My first photographs were timid attempts to record everyday moments, but I quickly discovered that photography had the power to freeze fleeting moments and tell silent stories that words often couldn't express.
As my interest grew, I began to explore different photography styles. Every click of the camera represented an opportunity to hone my skills and learn more about the art of photography. It was through the lens of my camera that I began to notice details that often went unnoticed in my busy daily life.
Over the years, I have been lucky enough to participate in several photographic trips, competitions with several acceptances and awards, and group exhibitions. My journey led me to meet other photography enthusiasts, join a photo club, share knowledge and, above all, challenge myself to grow as a photographer.

AFB – Artista Fotógrafo Brasileiro – CONFOTO

10º Salão Nacional de Arte Fotográfica ABCclick, 2023, São Caetano do Sul
1ª Brazilian International Photography Circuit, 2023, Ribeirão Preto
IV Bienal de Arte Fotográfica Natureza, 2024, Ribeirão Preto, Museu da Imagem e do Som
11º Salão Nacional de Arte Fotográfica ABCclick, 2024, São Caetano do Sul, Salão Nobre
1ª Semana Municipal de Fotografia Alfredo André, 2024 – Atibaia