Responsive image


Dinesh Perera, EFIAP, Hon. PESGSPC, FAPS, GPU Crown 2, GPA.PESGSPC

Country: Australia

My favourite types of photography are Portraits, Street and Travel. I'm driven by a passion to depict the human condition.                 

I strive to frame my photographs around a structure of patterns; these patterns can be building architectures, streets of the Central Business District or just sun rays in parks or over street vendors. 
I have also successfully completed commercial work in the fields of Weddings and Events. 

Achievements in terms of distinctions are:
- EFIAP (Excellence- FIAP) - 2019
- AFIAP (Artist-FIAP) - 2018
- Hon. PESGSPC (Cyprus)
- FAPS (Fellowship) - 2019 (Australian Photographic Society)
- AAPS (Associateship) - 2018 (Australian Photographic Society)
- GPU Crown 2 - (Global Photographic Union-Greece) 2018
- GPA.PESGSPC (Cyprus)