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Bogdan Bricelj

Country: Slovenia

I was born in the year 1958 in town Jesenice, Slovenia. I graduated at Faculty of electrical engineering in Ljubljana. I was working for 9 years in steel factory as service engineer. Since the year 1990 until 2022 I was manager and co-owner of a computer company. Now I’m retired.

I was learning the art of photography and developing of black and white photos in the photo school in primary school. After that I passed over to slides. In 1973 my first slide was accepted on a state exhibition. More than thirty years I had an ordinary Praktica without any electronics on all my journeys. 

I bought my first digital camera in the year 2004. All these years I use compact cameras with large zoom. In my opinion photographer is more important then the camera like driver is more important than the car. Although digital photography allows a lot of possibilities of photo modifying, my photos are as much as possible pure representation of moments captured. I prefer to make photos of nature: animals, flowers and landscape. I also like macro and underwater photography. The other preferred theme is sports, especially outdoor sports like skiing, ski jumping, kayak and swimming. Mostly I go photographing together with my wife Danila. 

In the year 2005 I joined to the photographic club Fotografsko drustvo Jesenice. I’m sending my photos to many exhibitions worldwide. Until the end of the year 2022 I've got 276 awards. Until now I’ve made 35 exhibitions of my own. In the year 2018 I’ve got title EFIAP/p and in 2019 GMPSA as the first Slovenian photographer.

I was the president of photographic club since 2009 to 2017. In these years the club was first or second most successful club in Slovenia.

My photographs were published in many Slovenian and foreign books, magazines and other publications. I’ve written also five  articles for PSA Journal. I’m especially proud, that also National Geographic has published my photos.