Responsive image


Zoltan Lokos

Country: Hungary

Short biography
I was born on 8th March 1956. I worked as a photographer from 1973 to 1994. 
Since 1994 I have been teaching photography in a professinal school.
I was elected to be  the vice-chairman of the  World Association  of Hungarian Photographers in 2014.
Presently I live, teach and  create my art photos in Budapest.  

My Honours
2001: Golden Diploma given by the Association of Hungarian Photoclubs and Circles.
2007: Became the Artist of World Association of Hungarian Photographers.
2015: EFIAP/p ( Excellence FIAP Platinum).
2020: EFIAP/d2 (Excellence FIAP Diamant 2)

I have been taking part actively in Hungarian photographic society since 1977.
I have sent photos to FIAP patronaged competitions since 2000.
My photos have appeared in more than 1000 national and international exhibitions.

Approximately 1000 of my art photos have been displayed in 47 countries so far.
My photos  have received a lot of Hungarian and international prizes, honours.
My favourite topics are portraits, nude and experimental photographies.