Responsive image


Sophie Pouillon

Country: France

I have had a camera in front of my eyes since I was 7 years old. Once out of childhood and after having made my "weapons" on photos of small ducks... I continued my training:
- Black and white printing in second grade,
- Then I started printing from slides (sometimes with contrast masks) and joined a club in Versailles Images,
- My first exhibitions, 
- Switching to digital,
- Learning software, ...

Currently, I am president of my club in Bergerac but above all I had the chance to meet the members of the association Image sans Frontière, which opened my mind to other forms of images, to other cultures. I have been president for a few years now.

I like to share photography with people, to see and show what amazes me in this world. These are beautiful encounters with photographers, full of strong impressions that will remain engraved in my memory.

For the last year and a half, I have been doing international competitions: I am now AFIAP, QPSA, R-ISF-4, EH-ISF. It is rewarding and stimulating to see how the photos are appreciated in different countries. My goal is to become a judge myself.