Roy Gudem A.CPE Hon.CPE ES.CPE PPSA GPU-CR2 EFIAP/b Country: Norway When I first started out with photography as a hobby, my time and focus was spent on the more common subjects. Many years was used to learn the basics and shoot nature, travel, tabletops and animals. Due to some unfavourable circumstances in life, I had more or less stopped with photography all to getter. But when I got the chance to work with a whole new subject, I bought a new camera and basically just wanted to see how it turned out. Now, several years later, and the fact that I have received the A.CPE from prestigious Campina Photographic Exhibitions, my decision to work with female models in the small niche subject of nude art turned out pretty good. It also got me into monochrome, and last but not least got me in contact with a whole lot of nice people, both models and photographers around Europe. So, I guess I will keep up with photography in the years to come. Thank you kindly to Razvan Baleanu and Campina Photographic Exhibitions for the A.CPE distinction. |