Renate Jebe
Country: Germany
I was born in the North of Germany, in Schleswig-Holstein, and I live there in the small village Barghorst. The photography is part of my life for many years. A few years the photography stepped into the background because my family and my job were more important. I spent lots of time with this great hobby for 10 years. I am member of Deutschen Verband für Fotografie e.V. (DVF) sice 01.04.2014 and of Photographische Gesellschaft Lubeck e.V. since 14.07.2014. Mister Ekkehard Retelsdorf helped me with the organisation of participation in national and international photo exhibitions. He has lots of experiences. Thank you for your help! I got lots of medals, certifications and acceptances. The FIAP awarded me the AFIAP on March 16, 2016 and EFIAP on April 01,2018 because of my sucess in international photo competitions. I got the ROPA Award MasterPSA (MPSA) of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) in 2018. November 25,2021 MPSA2. In the competition at Agile I acquired on August 02,2021 A.APS, on October 27,2021 M.APS, on Septembre 15,2022 GM.APS. The FIAP awarded me the EFIAP/Bronze on April 15,2023.
I like lots of different parts of photography for example special light situation, macro. landscape, models and creative studio photography. My favourit is portrait photography.