Nassim Eloud EFIAP/p, A.CPE, A.APS, FISF, RISF-3, Hon CPE, Hon FICS, Hon PESGSPC Country: CYPRUS I was Born in Lebanon in 1961, Since 1982 I am living in Cyprus. I am retired from September 2015 working as a Customer Support Computer Engineer with NCR for 33 years. Married with two children and 2 granddaughters. I started my photography when I was a student in Greece as a yearbook photographer. I was a member of the Cyprus Photographic Society Committee of Nicosia for 12 years and since 2013 I am a member of the Central Board Committee of The Cyprus Photographic Society. I also been involved in many photographic exhibitions and presentations in promoting photography. I have successfully participated in many local and international competitions with great achievements of Awards, Acceptances, and was able to achieve the following photographic Honors and titles: |