Karen Leonard Country: USA My interest in photography began on a trip to Europe, during college. I was studying print journalism and Russian Studies, and had no particular interest in art, at the time, but, I was able to tour Italy, Greece, France, England, Russia, or the Soviet Union, as it was then. |
There happened to be no men doing sports photography to speak off. They were saving their money to buy a digital camera. So, I was able to take the field and shoot from the sidelines.
It has been fun. I do baseball, soccer, rugby, hockey, especially women’s hockey, and whatever sport events are available.
I am now digital, with a Canon DSLR and lenses.
There is much civil unrest locally, especially with killings of black citizens by police. I try to cover that. I have a fast f2.8 wide-angle zoom, and mainly use that. In 2015 a black man was shot in the head, in handcuffs, fatally, by a police officer. No charges were brought. There was a protest outside the police station that lasted all winter—a cold Minnesota winter. Protesters were shot by white supremacists. I was moving, and sick, so missed that one. Then two other black citizens were killed during routine police stops. Then a black man was choked to death on a city street in broad daylight in front of onlookers. Someone posted the event to YouTube, having recorded it on a cell phone. That was Memorial Day 2020. There were riots. Much of the area around the police station was burned. I was able to get some pictures. Perhaps even in Romania, the name George Floyd is known. He was the man choked.
There have since been several other incidents. I try to cover the Black Lives Matter (BLM) events that follow.
Now there are some protests and street blockings over the genocide of the Palestinians of Gaza.
It is a preference over the still life and landscape.
I am gratified to have an audience for my photos.