Johann Debono EFIAP, QPSA, PSA 3*, GPU CR2, R-ISF4, GAPU, FBPS, M.APS, EAPG, A.SSP, FMPS, AMIPP, Hon.CPE. Dip. Professional Photography (UK).
Country: Malta
Born and living in Hamrun, Malta, Johann has had a passion for photography from a very young age, but it was in 2007 that he joined the Malta Photographic Society and took this hobby to higher standards. Between 2012 and 2015 (for over two and a half years), Johann was the Editor of the News Magazine of the MPS (Malta Photographic Society), "CLICK," with which he, in the name of the society, won two prestigious awards from the Photographic Society of America (PSA): Best Layout and Best Technical Write-up. He has also served for three years on the Malta Photographic Society's Committee and several years on the Competitions Sub-Committee. Johann has also served as a judge in several international salons and circuits and in local competitions organised by the Malta Photographic Society and other private entities.