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Gautam Chakraborty

Country: India

An engineer by education, an IT Management Leader by profession and a photographer by passion - that summarises Gautam. Gautam is more an explorer of nature and wildlife where photography is a means to him to capture those precious moments of natural history.
Gautam had started his photographic journey since 2015 and the learning has been mostly on the field (excluding few theoretical basics) and iterative. Discussions with a few like-minded people (including a few experts) have helped him a lot to improve his skills. Gautam is more into Nature & Wildlife and Travel Photography where tiger has been his favourite subject.
Gautam started participating in exhibitions since Oct 2020 and achieved over 6500+ exhibition acceptances (till date) from over 40+ countries with many awards. Gautam can be connected at Instagram or his portfolio can be found at
Distinctions Till Date:
MPSA (Master PSA) – PSA, USA
EFIAP (Excellence FIAP) – FIAP, International
EFIP (Excellence FIP) – FIP, India
IIG/S – India International Group, India
M.APS (Master APS) – Agile Photographic Society, Bangladesh
E.NPS (Excellence NPS) – Nicosia Photographic Society, Cyprus
A.CPE (Artist CPE) – Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society, Romania
IIG/p7 – India International Group, India
Hon.CPE (Honorary CPE) – Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society, Romania
ES.CPE (Excellence Services CPE) – Campina Photographic Exhibitions Society, Romania