Dre Van Mensel Country: Belgium Dre Van Mensel was born on the 17th of September 1954 in Herentals Belgium. As a child and youngster he was always interested in nature. The forest and meadows were his second habitat. The passion for photography started in 1983 as he joined the Tielense photo society 'Flits 80'. He occupied himself maily with macrophotography: butterflies and caterpillars had his preference. 23 years later he decided it was time for digital photography. Then he joined “De Vorselaarse Fotovrienden” a photographic society that was digitally way ahead. There he had the opportunity to learn a lot. Over the last few years he really focussed himself on naturephotography. Dré participates in almost every international contest. It is a real passion and he hopes to continue for many years. |