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Bob Goodman BPE 3, Hon.CPE     

Country: Scotland

Bob Goodman was born in 1945 in Cambridgeshire England took up photography in 1991.
And joined Peterborough Photographic Society I started with taking slide film and moved to Digital in 2012.
In 1998 I moved from Cambridgeshire to Campbeltown  Kintyre  Scotland.
I Purchased a Guest House in Campbeltown which I ran with my wife for 12 years.
I was lucky to have guests who stayed with us from all over the world I made.
Many new friends who am till in contact with today.
I joined the PSA in 2004.
In the year 2010 I was awarded by British photographic Exhibitions the 3 Crown Award BPE 3.
I have received 800 acceptances in national and International exhibitions
I have won Cups Medals Ribbons a long with other things.